Dr Andres Mejia Acosta is a Senior Lecturer in Political Economy of Emerging Markets. A political scientist by training (University of Notre Dame, 2004), his work explores the political economy of policy making in low and middle-income countries. His doctoral work ‘Informal Coalitions and Policymaking in Latin America’ (New York: Routledge, 2009) looked at how presidents relied on the workings of informal institutions to push for economic reforms through a multiparty legislature.
Andres’ research focuses on the political and fiscal management of natural resource revenues, with particular attention to Andean countries. More recently, he has developed a political economy framework to ‘Analysing nutrition governance’, exploring the motivations of governments to invest, coordinate and implement strategies to reduce children’s undernutrition in low and middle-income countries including Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Niger, Pakistan, Peru and Zambia.