EITM Certification
Students attending the ICPSR Summer Program may obtain EITM Certification for coursework successfully completed in several pre-approved classes, such as Introduction to Game Theory and Regression Analysis II. The certification has a minimum grade requirement: students can request certification for each one of the pre-approved courses in which they have obtained A- or higher. At the time of course selection, the ICPSR summer program student requests a letter grade for an EITM certified course. The ICPSR’s summer program staff will forward letter grades to the EITM Leadership, and applicants will receive an email notification of their certification status in the fall.
Certification-eligible Courses
This list will be updated in the spring of each year. Please direct all inquiries about EITM Certification to eitm@eitminstitute.org.
Approved Courses for 2024
First Session
- Bayesian Modeling for the Social Sciences I: Introduction and Application
- Causal Inference for the Social Sciences I
- Data Visualization
- Introduction to Time Series and Panel Data Analysis
- Machine Learning: Applications in Social Science Research
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation I: Generalized Linear Models
- Measurement, Scaling and Dimensional Analysis
- Multilevel Models I: Introduction and Application
- Advanced Multivariate Statistical Methods: Relations among Multiple Independent & Dependent Variables
- Network Analysis I: Introduction
- Race, Ethnicity and Quantitative Methodology I
- Rational Choice Theories of Politics and Society
- Regression Analysis II: Linear Models
- Advanced Regression: Nonlinear, Nonparametric, and Robustness Analyses
Second Session
- Advanced Empirical Modeling of Social Science Theory
- Bayesian Modeling for the Social Sciences II: Advanced Topics
- Categorical Data Analysis: Models for Categorical, Ordinal, and Count Outcomes
- Causal Inference for the Social Sciences II
- Data Science and Text Analysis
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation II: Advanced Topics
- Methods and Models for Time Series Data Analysis
- Multilevel Models II: Advanced Topics
- Network Analysis II: Advanced Topics
- Panel Data and Longitudinal Analysis
- Race, Ethnicity and Quantitative Methodology II
- Regression Analysis II: Linear Models
- Simultaneous Equation Models
- Statistics and Data Analysis II: The Basics of Regression
- Structural Equation Models with Latent Variables
- Theoretical Modeling for the Social and Behavioral Sciences